

October 18, 2020

VACANCY! VACANCY!! VACANCY!!! Concern Women International Development Initiative (CWIDI) is looking for experienced individuals to fill in the following available positions. 1. Clinical Psychologists or Counselors Responsibilities & Job Requirements: To support our on going COVID-19 activity targeting  key population in Benue State The individual Must reside in Benue State with at least 4 years...

March 8, 2019

Young people need access to a variety of sexual reproductive health services and information regardless of their being sexually active or not. Sexual and reproductive health interventions and program planned for adolescents and young people do not reach them and meet their needs because of the barriers and infidelity in delivering and implementing these programs....

March 8, 2019

Nigerian political history and studies (for instance, Ejukonemu and Akintola, 2013; Akintola, 2016) have demonstrated that Nigeria is only good at formulating good policies but fail in implementation. Most policies in the country are either partially implemented or not implemented at all. Pitiably, most Nigerians are unaware of the existence of some of these policies....

March 8, 2019

In many parts of the world, including Africa, adolescents are grappling with the physical and emotional transformations that usually accompany their change of status. Many of them are becoming sexually active at an earlier age more than ever before. Yet majority of adolescents lack proper access to information and services relating to their sexuality, especially...

March 8, 2019

Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is an age-appropriate, culturally relevant approach to teaching about sex and relationships by providing scientifically accurate, realistic, and non-judgmental information ((Stefiszzn 2014). It provides opportunities to explore one’s own values and attitudes and to build decision-making, communication and risk reduction skills about many aspects of sexuality (Stefiszzn 2014). The term ‘comprehensive’...

March 8, 2019

The third area women are globally discriminated against is through social norms and practices. Through them women rights in Nigeria are denied because social norms determine gender expectations and shape people’s behaviours in the community. Noteworthy also is to state that cultural practices are determined by social norms. These norms are both “injunctive” and “descriptive”...

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is a gender focused non-governmental, non-political, not for profit organization that aims at promoting gender equality.
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